The Executive Team
President and Vice-Presidents

Camila Gutierrez
I’m Camila Gutierrez, your ESA President for the 2022-2023 academic year.
As with other years, the ESA remains committed to providing economics students with resources + community for a memorable undergraduate experience, through both academic and social opportunities. If you are interested in joining the economics student community at uOttawa, feel free to contact any of our exec with your questions/ideas/concerns through email or during our respective office hours.

Ethan Nicholls
Vice-President of Internal Affairs
Hi everyone! My name is Ethan, I’m a second year student in Economics and this year's VP of Internal Affairs.
I’m looking forward to helping the ESA adapt to hybrid style events and bringing back the annual ESA trip in a Covid friendly way!
I’m always available to chat by email (

David Ogunmola
Vice-President of Finance
Hey! I’m David, a fourth-year student studying economics.Moreover, I’m the VP of Finance for ESA for this year. In my role, I am responsible for providing transparent financial management and promoting the ESA online store.
We have a great year ahead of us, and I am looking forward to working with the team to make this year as accessible and fun as it can be.

Matthew Blair
Vice-President of Academic Affairs
Hey everyone, I’m Matthew! I’m in my second year of Economics and Political Science, and I’m the VP of Academic Affairs.
I plan academic events like study sessions and networking events, and I am also responsible for academic representation. If you ever have any concerns about your courses, or if you just want to chat, don’t hesitate to stop by my office hours or send me an email at!

Yin Faluyi
Vice-President of Social Affairs
Hello! I’m Oyin (Yin), a fourth year student in Economics with a minor in management.
As the Vice President of Social Affairs I am responsible for making sure that events are executed and organized as well as they can be. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want to chat!

Leila Louis
Vice-President of Francophone Affairs
! My name is Leila and I am the VP Franco. I’m in charge of translations as well as events that are catered towards Francophone students on campus.
you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at

Kady Yasmine Keita
Vice-President of International Affairs
Hi! My name is KADY Yasmine keita, and I am vp international! My role is to plan and organize events for international students and support this community.
I hope this year goes well for everyone. For any questions please contact me at

Adrianna Suuronen
Vice-President of Philanthropy
Hey! My name is Adriana, and I am the VP Philanthropy for the ESA this year! In this position I plan philanthropic events to help support our community.
If you have any questions or concerns, like organizations or causes you feel passionate about supporting, feel free to send me a message at

Stella Till
Vice-President of Communications
Hello!! My name is Stella and I am currently taking on the role VP Communications this year! In this role I send out emails promoting our upcoming events and update our Instagram, Facebook and Linktree pages to keep students informed with all things related to ESA!
Econ. Students – make sure to check your emails for the latest information regarding upcoming events, and for access to links to sign up / purchase tickets!
If ever you have a question about where to find any information please don’t hesitate to email me at or DM our Instagram account!!

Vice-President of Equity
| Coming Soon |
Directors, Junior Vice-Presidents and Summer Executive

Rania Ouaggadi
Director of Student Eng. and Outreach
Hi! I’m Rania, the Director of Outreach and Student Engagement here at the ESA!
I am here to help us better connect with our students and ensure that we are best representing their needs.
Outside of the ESA, I am a third year Economics student! Please send me an email at if you’d like to chat! I’m happy to help any way that I can!

Melanie Pudifin-Laverty
Director of External Affairs
Hi all! My name is Melanie and I am the Director of External Affairs.
I’m responsible for reaching out to various sponsorships for any ESA events we plan throughout the year.
If you have any questions or just wanting to chat, feel free to send me a message at

Aayush Gugani
Director of IT
Hey, my name is Aayush Gugnani and I’m your Director of IT at ESA. I’m pursuing a Joint Honours in Economics and Political Science and currently in my fourth year.
Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or if you just want to chat up!

Director of Promotions
| Coming Soon |

JVP Academic Affairs
| Coming Soon |

Esme Ellison
JVP of Social Affairs
| Coming Soon |

Dana Sim
JVP of Communications
Hey Econs! My name is Dana Sim, and I am a Junior Vice President of Communication.
Currently, I am in the third year of the economics program. As the JVP of communication, I plan, create, and manage promotion materials such as social media posters and newsletters!
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me at

Ruth-Lourdemie Duclos
JVP of Francophone Affairs
Hello everyone, my name is Ruth and I am the current JVP Francophone.
I’m in my third year of Economics and Public Policy. My role is to assist the VP Francophone in translating and planning events for the Francophone students on campus.

101 Week Coordinator
| Coming Soon |